John E. Utting Travelling Scholarship

Professor John Utting
LSA President 1992 - 1994
At the 2015 AGM, it was decided that the Society would give an award to trainees in memory of the many contributions that Professor John Utting had made during his professional life to education and training in anaesthesia. The aim of the travelling scholarship would be to help trainees with the expense incurred when they wish to present (either verbally or by poster) their research work at an international scientific meeting. Applications will only be considered from trainees with a HEENW (Mersey) training number in either anaesthesia, intensive care or pain medicine at the time that the research is undertaken.
The total made available each year will be upto £1000 but the sum awarded to each applicant will vary depending upon the strength of their application. It is envisaged that more than one award would be made each year and therefore the maximum award for any successful applicant would be £500 although this may be higher in exceptional circumstances. All applications will be considered by a panel which will consist of the LSA President, Honororay Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.
Applications should be sent to the secretary with the following details:
a) A summary of the presentation which should not exceed one A4 page (including title, authors' names and addresses, text, table, space for figure, references and acknowledgements). This format will allow 450-500 words, or 250-350 words plus a table or figure. The names of all other contributors to the research must be provided with details of their relative contributions. The Abstract and the presentation should acknowledge the John Utting award if appropriate.
b) Current Curriculum Vitae including full contact details
c) Proof of acceptance/invitation to present at the conference/meeting.
d) A detailed breakdown of the applicant's registration, travel and hotel bookings relating to the meeting should be supplied.
e) Details of any other financial support to the research project should be supplied.
Successful applicants will be expected to present their work at the LSA Trainees' Prize meeting within a year of the international meeting. The date of this presentation would be decided in conjunction with the LSA President and Hon Secretary and is open to review.
Edwin Djabatey
Two Winners from 2019

The ever dapper Dr Richard Berwick and hard man of anaesthesia, Dr Tom Miller receive their awards after giving their presentations from Dr Ed Djabatey.